
The Simply Real Motherhood Blog

From Bump to Bloom: Mama's Guide to Thriving in Matrescence

Jan 17, 2024

Back from the Baby Fog: Reclaiming My Shine with Holistic Wellness in Matrescence

Hi mamas, popping back into your feed like a mama bear emerging from the cave of snuggles with two very busy toddlers and a whole lotta sleep deprivation! Yep, motherhood has officially (well honestly speaking, a couple years ago) hit me like a tidal wave – beautiful, chaotic, and leaving me breathless (mostly due to lack of sleep).

But here's the thing: while I'm head over heels in love with these small humans who have transformed my world, I realized something crucial. I was losing myself in the process. So often it felt like my past self was replaced by  a bleary-eyed shadow, navigating endless diaper changes and laundry mountains.

This wasn't okay.

So, I embarked on a journey of rediscovery, a quest to reclaim my vibrant self amidst the demands of matrescence. And my secret weapon? Holistic wellness! It's not a magic wand, but it's pretty darn close.

So, let's ditch the quick fixes and dive into the real MVP – nurturing ourselves mind, body, and soul. Because guess what? A happy, healthy mama equals a happy, healthy family (and trust me, those little humans can sense your energy like human-sized radars).

Holistic Wellness in Matrescence: More than Just Matcha Lattes

Let's be real, "wellness" has become a pretty buzzword. But for us mamas in the thick of it, it's not about #fitspo selfies or detox cleanses (trust me, your body's already detoxing like nobody's business, thanks to that adorable human furnace you just created). It's about deep-rooted, sustainable practices that nourish you from the inside out.

Think of it like building a wellness house. Each block represents a different aspect of your being:

  • Physical Foundation: Nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods, moving in ways that feel good (hello, stroller walks and mommy-and-me yoga!), and prioritizing sleep (even if it's in 20-minute increments, I feel you).
  • Mental Sanctuary: Taming the mama-bear anxieties with mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling, nurturing creativity through writing, painting, or even rearranging your furniture – whatever sparks your inner artist.
  • Emotional Oasis: Building a solid support system, whether it's your mama tribe, an online community, or a therapist who gets it (because sometimes, mama needs to vent without judgment).
  • Spiritual Haven: Connecting with your higher purpose, whatever that means for you. Maybe it's nurturing your faith, spending time in nature, or simply savoring those precious moments of connection with your little one.

But don't forget, this house is YOURS to build. There's no Pinterest-perfect blueprint, no one-size-fits-all approach. Experiment, explore, and find what makes your soul sing. Maybe it's morning affirmations with your baby on your lap, an herbal bath soak under the moonlight, or belting out karaoke in the shower while the baby naps (no judgment, mama, I've been there!).

The Ripple Effect: From Mama to Minis and Beyond

Okay, so you're taking care of yourself – yay you! But the magic doesn't stop there. Remember those human-sized radars I mentioned? Those little eyes are watching everything you do. By prioritizing your holistic wellness, you're not just nurturing yourself, you're showing your mini-mes the importance of self-care, healthy habits, and listening to their own needs. You're creating a ripple effect of well-being that flows through your family and into the world.

So, let's reclaim our shine in this season of matrescence. Let's build our wellness houses, brick by mindful breath, nourishing bite, and creative spark. Let's show our little ones that taking care of ourselves isn't selfish, it's vital. Because a mama who glows, lights up the whole universe, and that, my friends, is a superpower worth embracing.

**Now, grab your favorite cuppa (or that lukewarm coffee that's been sitting on the counter for far too long), and let's share our holistic wellness journeys in the comments below!

What are your go-to self-care rituals? What challenges are you facing? 

Remember, we're in this together. And together, we can build a beautiful, holistic life for ourselves and our little ones, one mindful moment, one nourishing meal, one messy creative explosion at a time.

With love,
